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Tub and Floor Soft Scrub


It's not toxic!!! Don't breathe poisons in your home. Breathe Essential Oils!!!!!


Use for cleaning tubs, walls, scuff marks, etc! A soft scrub is designed not to scratch, but always test on a small patch before use.



1 cup baking soda
6 TBSP of liquid soap(Natures Sunshine Concentrated Cleaner, Dr. Bronner's, glycerine, etc)
1/4 cup distilled water
4 TBSP white vinegar
Essential Oils


Whisk baking soda and soap.
Once smooth, add vinegar and whisk.
This will be a paste.

Add Essential Oils:
Suggestions: Spearmint, Lavender, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Basil, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Spruce! 
Eucalyptus and Lemon would be most anti-germ.