The benefits of feminine oils are not limited to women alone. While these oils possess a strong feminine quality, men and women need their combined female energy. Feminine blends soften the overly-masculine individual by getting them in touch with their feminine side. They encourage individuals to let go of pride and let down their tough exterior. When placed over the “liver or heart / 4th chakra”, feminine blends can ease feelings of anger. They calm tension, irritability, and malice and encourage adaptability.
These oils and blends assist individuals in healing their relationships with their Mothers, Grandmothers, and other Women. They help one reconnect with their mother when there has been strain, separation, loss, or abuse in the relationship. They challenge an individual to work through their issues relating to both femininity and sexuality.
Emotions addressed: Overly masculine, blocked female energy, unteachable, anger, irritable, tough exterior.
Rose - opens heart to give and receive
Jasmine - relationships, wisdom
Patchouli - body shame, judgement of body, abundance
Cinnamon - balances sexuality, abuse
Sandalwood - harmonizes, meditation
Vetiver - connection, grounding
Ylang Ylang - balance, inner child
Geranium - abandonment, trust, forgiveness
Lavender - communication, visibility
Fennel - lightens shame, helps lack of desire
Myrrh - distrusts of others, safety
Cacao - aphrodisiac, uplifting
Vanilla - appreciation, comfort
Clary Sage- intuition, dreaming
Grapefruit - addicted to eating, anxiety over body
Spearmint - fresh, light, removes blocks
Neroli - depression release, tranquilizing
Both men and women benefit from these masculine traits when they are developed in
balance. Male energy supports qualities of being firm, strong, stable, protective, decisive, and proactive.
These blends and oils also encourage integrity and personal power. They assist individuals in standing up for themselves and their own needs. Placed over the stomach or “power center/ 3rd chakra” these oils and blends motivate individuals to action and fulfillment of their dreams and desires.
These blends can foster healing between an individual and their father, grandfather, and other men in their life. When an individual’s relationship with their father is strained, these oils can assist in healing issues related to personal power and masculine energy.
Emotions addressed: Overly feminine, fear, insecurity, allowing others to overpower.
Sage - relieves mental fatigue, dismisses unwanted energies
Cedarwood - allows sharing, feeling of belonging
Ginger - releases victim mentality and blame
Sandalwood - teaches spiritual levels, quiets the mind
Spruce - stabilizes, conserves waste of energy
Coriander - loyalty, teaches more than one way
Frankincense - truth, let go of lies, healthy father attachment
Clove - releases victim mentality, self betrayal
Fir, Balsam - addresses generational issues, spiritual protection
Black Pepper - reveals masks, re-ignites the soul fire
Pine - revitalizes, relaxes perfectionism
Rosewood - reduces sensitivity, centers scattered thoughts
Birch - increases awareness
Cypress - heals emotions
These combinations of oils assist individuals in retaining their innocent, authentic natures. They are especially beneficial to babies and children, yet they invite ALL individuals, regardless of age, to keep their hearts open to life. Children’s blends nurture child-like qualities such as : spontaneity, creativity, a sense of safety, an open heart and mind, trust in people and the world and emotional wholeness. Place over the navel, heart, or on the feet, these oils can assist children or those needing childlike qualities in feeling safe and protected.
These blends foster feelings of love, trust, and openness in the heart. These oils may also assist individuals in developing more tolerance, patience, and understanding for their own children.
Emotions addressed: Unsafe, untrusting, disconnected from children or child aspect of self
Ylang Ylang - balance, inner child
Palmarosa - security, clarifies thoughts
Myrrh - distrusts of others, safety
Geranium - abandonment, trust, forgiveness
Rosewood - reduces sensitivity, centers scattered thoughts
Marjoram - fear of rejection, reclusive
Tangerine - overburdened, heavy heart, lack of fun
Patchouli - body shame, judgement of body, abundance
Frankincense - truth, let go of lies, healthy father attachment
Orange - over serious, workaholic, envy
Bergamot - despair, unlovable, hopeless
Lavender - communication, visibility
Vetiver - heals emotional trauma