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All-Purpose Lemon Spray


Purifying Tea Tree and Lemon Floor & Surface Cleaner

A newly cleaned surface should smell fresh, not of harsh cleansers. Wipe away grime with this gentle yet effective three-ingredient essential oil-based cleaner.

2 tablespoons unscented liquid soap 
8 drops lemon essential oil 
4 drops tea tree essential oil

1. Mix essential oils and liquid soap.
2. Pour essential oil/liquid soap mixture into a 1-gallon bucket of warm water. Stir until well combined.
3. Dampen a sponge, mop or wash cloth with mixture, and wipe grime from floors and hard surfaces.


Lemon is anti-viral and anti-bacterial & cuts oil and grease.
Suggestion: if you are cleaning wood surfaces, add Cedarwood instead of Tea Tree and you will have a wonderful "woody" smell.
Also, you really don't have to use the liquid soap. The essential oils do the work!!!